Tim Prigg (tpri*@*ign.net)
My son (now 20) introduced me to scratch building. It was a “re-introduction” to model aviation for me… something wasveryshort lived when I was a child. Chris excitedly told me about this cool you-tube site
My son (now 20) introduced me to scratch building. It was a “re-introduction” to model aviation for me… something wasveryshort lived when I was a child. Chris excitedly told me about this cool you-tube site
I scratch build, or buy unflyable planes and resurrect them. I build light-weight, very light wing-loading fixed wing planes. I do not want to add weight, or compromise flight time for additional electronics. This is
I’m a retired Navy and AirLine pilot. This is what got me into an aviation career. I love anything and everything that flies. I’ve helped others get into this fun hobby. I have even had
A few years ago my son was born, 3 months early. The day we arrived at the E.R. My wife and I were informed of the chances he would have/develop certain disabilities. So far, we’re
Hobby flying should be left to just that: a hobby. RC cars, trucks and buggies don’t have ID tags, why should aircraft?
I got into flying a drone at a late age but i was always fascinated with flight. (wanted to be in the air force). my main reason for getting into the hobby was because of
I had the pleasure of growing up in the hobby. My dad started years before I was born, heck I was in the womb going to the field. I was helping my dad build his
I have been flying R/C Planes and free flight since I was 9 years old. From then every time I drove past a field that looked big I wondered if I could get a plane
Been doing it for 64 years, both model and full scale. Shame to see it all dissappear because commercial interests want the airspace to deliver Cola and Fries to those who won’t leave their couch.
I am Matthew Guise, an engineer in Paso Robles California. I went to the California Polytechnic State University and studied mechanical engineering and have had an affinity for mechanical and electrical systems with everyday uses
Flying is a hobby for me. I understand the risk of a runaway hobby craft and have ditched my craft before I would let it get away and out of my control. I only fly
I am a middle aged adult. I have eyed hobby RC for many years but was put off by the cost (perceived and actual). I just got into RC in 2019 because I decided to