Calvin Massey (calv*@*ail.com)
My name is Calvin Massey Jr. from Charlotte, NC and Ive been fascinated by aviation since I was a young child. As a kid I tried to build kites from old newspaper, yarn and twigs
My name is Calvin Massey Jr. from Charlotte, NC and Ive been fascinated by aviation since I was a young child. As a kid I tried to build kites from old newspaper, yarn and twigs
I just got into flying and building drones. I’m enjoying the hobby and the community. At the age of 54 I believe I’m a responsible person. I only fly in an open feild. And mostly
I am not American, but half my family is. The new regulations would require so much overhead that I would no longer be table to come guest fly in the US.
Dreamed of flying since a kid. Now as an adult that can afford this type of materials, I enjoy it responsibly. Restricting the hobby to lengths that require significant effort financially, time, etc will negate
It helps me relax like nothing besides flying does. Using my FPV googles i get to be free from all lifes problems one battery at the time. It is like 3-4 minutes of free of
The past few years have completely changed my lifestyle. I am in love with FPV flying and i understand these new regulations will not keep me from flying but just cause many complications when building
The feeling of accomplishment and intentions of always improving have driven me strongly to this hobby. Government intervention has usually ended with poot results and I believe their involvement in a hobby that has been
Freedom for those of us who wish to fly but cannot afford a pilot’s license and its associated costs.
I do it for fun, it’s a hobby. This regulation would have a massive negative impact on the hobby and industry.
I don’t think hobbyists are going to accept further restrictions unless a good case can be made as to how the restrictions are going to stop irresponsible users. For self-built models, irresponsible users will simply
Flying to me matters because it is a hobby and it brings me joy and excitement along with being able to have something in common with others. This regulation can put a huge burden on