This section is currently being updated. Over 6000 surveys have been submitted so far.
Steve B (brow*@*
This hobby, from building to flying has allowed my grandchildren and I to connect on a closer level. Personally, I have learned so much about aviation and electronics. I’m still amazed that I can build
I run a STEM program for over 150 high school and middle school students in the Twin Cities (MN) and it will grow to over 1000 kids next year, spanning multiple states. UAVs are an
Dale (dale*@*
I’ve been around planes since I was a kid. My dad taught me to fly in a safe manner. I’ve been involved in many sports/hobbies throughout life and this is one everyone can enjoy no
Reid Libby (duca*@*
I hve been both model and full sized pilot for over fifty years. Aviation is a mjor part of my life. Due to health and finances, I no longer fly full sized AC so now
Marcos Ramos (19ma*@*
Flying matters to me because it allows me to be free in the sky as if I where a bird. Just cruising in the air minding my own business. This has helped me and others
Luxy (sixt*@*
Gives me an escape for the everyday Hussle. Keeps my mind sharp with all the thinking that goes into not only the building but the flying as well. Closest thing I can afford to flying
I support identificqation, but it should be done the same way as small real airplanes – via some form of ADS-B transpoding. However the equipment must be inexpensive, small and lightweight. Identification by some form

Ron F (ronb*@*
Flying matters to me because planes and aviation are my passion. I joined the USAF to be a mechanic and now I am a A&P mechanic after retiring. Love aviation history as well as the

Donald Willie (dona*@*
Thank you for providing a forum for me to express my deep concern over the proposed rules regarding UAV. Aeromodeling has been in existence longer than full scale aircraft construction itself, some 120 years. The

Brenden McCormick (bren*@*
I have submitted two responses to the FAA. Simply, separate drones and quad copters from fixed wing and heli. Separate the fact we fly from local parks and approved certified fields in visual line of