J Ross (Jros*@*aol.com)
I love FPV. I am a registered nurse and safety is my job every day 12 hours a shift. I understand the need for reasonable regulations. Believe there is a fair amount of special interest
I love FPV. I am a registered nurse and safety is my job every day 12 hours a shift. I understand the need for reasonable regulations. Believe there is a fair amount of special interest
My son and I fly for fun, recreation, aviation knowledge and social outreach. We are both registered AMA members, and local club members. We are always friendly to non-fliers and always offer information to interested
I love to fly and it helps me to calm down and not be as stressed.
I believe that these rules are not only not truly enforceable, but won’t work. Fixed flying sites are hard to find if you are not in a large metropolitan area. The burden of travel to
I’m just a hobbiest filming interesting locations, following the current FAA rules.
Flying FPV changed my life. I learned so many new skills, understanding how to build my own FPV quadcopter. Learning from other pilots, helping each other, flying together in a community. It is part of
One of my concern is how will this new regulation affect those, like me, that often fly outside the country and therefore outside the FAA jurisdiction, will the drone be disabled or restricted to fly
I first started with Model Airplanes and then to model helicopters, and then found FPV flight with multi rotors. If I was limited to a Club field with different flying opinions, this would be a
It is enjoyment for myself and family. Something my son and I enjoy together. Gets him outside away from gaming.
I am a senior on a very fixed budget, I am just getting back into the hobby after many years. I cannot afford to purchase and install onboard systems in each of my 6 inexpensive
I have flying RC airplanes off and on since the mid 1980’s. I have met some very fine people in this hobby along the way and have many fond memories to go with them. Now