Robert Fleet (Home*@*
Robert Alexander Fleet ( HomeGrownCanadian ) I live in Toronto Ontario, downtown, there would be zero areas for me to fly with these new regulations. I am 45, mature and am always safe. The response
Robert Alexander Fleet ( HomeGrownCanadian ) I live in Toronto Ontario, downtown, there would be zero areas for me to fly with these new regulations. I am 45, mature and am always safe. The response
I live in a rural area and my flying is done at my home(quads) and on a 2-mile square dry lakebed (fixed-wing) when time and weather permit. I enjoy soaring, because it’s very relaxing and
I have been flying all types of rc aircraft for 46 years. The educational value of building and designing of rc aircraft of all types cannot be understated. In those 46 years I have learned
Is a great hobby I’d like to be able to share with my one year old son one day. It’s a great way to learn technical skills and also overcoming obstacles from building to learning
I fly with my little brother mostly in the field behind our house. I have loved flying FPV ever since I discovered the hobby about a year ago. I would hate to see it die.
i believe machines should be regulated not toys. there needs to be a clear line between machine and toys. to me a tiny fpv quadcopter that weighs 100g that can only fly for a few
I am 72 and have been flying for 60 plus years. We have never needed any of these regulations before and don’t see a need now. I fly for fun and relaxation. This would put
I myself just fly as a hobby, but have met and seen innumerable postings, videos, and shared stories from people across the country and around the world who use FPV as an outlet and as
I used to be a militar y helicopter pilot and miss the feeling of what it is. Want to teach my son how to fly
It’s hard to explain where I was mentally before FPV found me. I don’t want to sing the whole sad song, but in a nutshell I had pretty much given up on any ambitions. Getting
For hobbyist such as my self, flying is that part of our lives that makes us complete, it matters. I’m senior financial analyst at a fortune 500 company, I plan my very limited time off
I was never into rc flight, until I watched an fpv video in YouTube. Now it’s become so much of my life, it’s my main hobby. If the proposed changes from the faa are made,