Chris Johnson (cdrj*@*
I think the freedom to chose what aircraft you want to use and how you want to use it should not be infringed upon to the point where you can no longer fly or cannot
I think the freedom to chose what aircraft you want to use and how you want to use it should not be infringed upon to the point where you can no longer fly or cannot
My interest in aviation began when my father gave me my first balsa wood glider. Not that soon after, with his help, I was building my first RC aircraft. We later flew this aircraft at
I have a love for flight and flit test allowed me to learn to fly in a price range that I could afford. Therefore remvoing this type of option would put us into a place
It is not only a huge hobby of mine it is also something that helps me get exited to learn about physics and electronics. Even though these regulations might not directly impact me my fear
I can finally participate in model aviation and flying RC model aircraft because it has finally become cheap enough to become an achievable goal for me. Changing these rules would push it back into the
I have been flying RC aircraft of one form or another for 16 years. It is a hobby that I find both interesting and very enjoyable. I have built most of my own aircraft from
I’ve enjoyed RC planes for decades and don’t feel it is anybody else’s business whatsoever when, where or how I fly RC planes.
I have spent the majority of my life enjoying flying gas and electric planes and quadcopters for enjoyment and recreation. These regulations will cost tax payer money to enforce and accomplish very little. Tehy will
I am researching flight stabilization aids and my research in this area would be severely impacted by these rules.
Been flying models for over 70 years, To much government regs. destroys any and all incentives and helps no one.
I am handicapped flying gives me a sense of freedom .. helps me have more use of my brain hy having to learn new things like soldering. Electronics , computer skills and I get to
I see the new reg. ending the hobby. This is what the FAA wants, they want only the governement to have the right to fly!!!!! If they can not see it on radiar they want