This section is currently being updated. Over 6000 surveys have been submitted so far.

Billy Martin (brm0*@*
I’ve love planes for as long as I can remember, but could never afford the hobby until I became an adult. Even then, was not in my best interest because of my Military career, always

Shaun Rollins (life*@*
Most of us in the hobby of model aircraft do not view drones as a part of our hobby. We understand they’re remotely controlled on the majority of the scale but we do not consider
Marty King (mkin*@*
I started out model flying as a kid, moved on to full scale and currently run two general aviation maintenance shops as an A&P IA. I have not had a medical due to health issues

Kenneth Grandmaison (gran*@*
Drones are a huge passion and part of my life. They have made me want to pursue a career in the industry that I work towards every day. Would truly hate to see that dream
Jake Ruebel (jake*@*
I have had countless hobbies through the years this is the one I love most and have stuck with the longest.
Dennis Brown (bigd*@*
Flying is a way of coming together with friends and family. It’s a very safe hobby that should not be restricted or eliminated due to regulation such as this. It’s been a very safe hobby
Rainman (shan*@*
I live in a small town in Tennesee where there isnt much to do or see. I fly in a cow field next to my house and have for several years and i still love
I’ve enjoyed building and flying model aircraft for close to 30 years, got started in the back yard and moved up to larger planes at my local club field – never would have gotten to
Kevin Tatum (kevi*@*
Im involved in the hobby side of fpv but also the commercial side as well. I need the freedom to test and modify my builds without the hassle of begging for licensing or permits because
Christopher Bertrand (xjch*@*
Simply put, this hobby is incredibly fun. It is something that I enjoy and hope to enjoy with my son very soon. It’s challenging, motivating, and educational.