Sam Helmich (hobb*@*
Because of one part of a hobby, the FAA lumps all RC aircraft, planes, helicopters, quad copters, in with the drones, which are the problem.
Because of one part of a hobby, the FAA lumps all RC aircraft, planes, helicopters, quad copters, in with the drones, which are the problem.
This is my outlet for my passion for creativity and technology. This is my community, my friends, my social outlet.
We use drones in our natural resources education programming, often to get a different perspective of water sheds or sensitive areas. New regulations would be a financial and operational burdon.
As a 46 year old guy who used to love physical outdoor activities such as skiing and snowboarding the physicality of those activities are becoming too much for me. I also have back issues but
In my country failing mental health is a major killer of young to middle aged men. Flying our racing drones in a relaxed club atmosphere at our local sporting complex that we share with a
I discovered flying FPV about a year ago. During this time it has helped me become more knowledgeable in the electronics field. It has also offered me a way to escape the daily stresses of
It’s a hobby it’s what I enjoy doing there’s always gonna be stupid people doing stupid things ruining it for others. The step of flying is best low Proximity flying is what we all shoot
I am the chapter organizer for the Tier 1 chapter Spokane FPV, this would cripple multi GP racing, the ability for most schools to educate in a drone program in any way that’s practical, and
I love to fly. It gives me peace and an outlet for the stress of life, while maintaining safety and privacy for others above my own self
I mostly fly micro quads (sub 250g) on private property for recreation and relaxation. These new rules would all but kill my ability to do that, I do not fly at a club as I
Im 23 years old i have been batteling depression for the pasy 7 years very bad. Flying is the only hing that allows me to escape. Building drones planning flights and finsind spots to fly
I was in a really bad motorcycle accident 2 years ago. I was in an extremely bad place. My friend introduced me to fpv and it set me free. I couldn’t move around much but