Mike Blackburn (blac*@*ail.com)
I have been interested in model aviation and flight for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my family didn’t have the money to afford the hobby. This was in the 80’s when model
I have been interested in model aviation and flight for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my family didn’t have the money to afford the hobby. This was in the 80’s when model
Flying is a way for me to indulge in both my interest in engineering and fun. It’s a great way to teach people about engineering and have fun at the some time.
Been flying for over 9 years. Working on my aerospace engineering degree because of it. Would hate to see a hobby like this be so restricted that I would lose interest in flying. Most of
I have 3 young sons. All of them love to fly FPV. the upcoming regulations will crush their interest in engineering and STEM. One of them is in school robotics and is really upset about
Fpv changed my life, I am a completely different person than I was before. I have learned so much from FPV, when things break around me in life, my first thought is “let’s fix it”.
It is a wind down time for me, being able to relax and just cruise around or sit at my table and bud a new quad or wing, it’s me time, the only me time
Been in FPV for 4 years and love it. Don’t want to see big business buy out the rights to the skies and then sell it back to the consumer in 2 years
I live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. flying over the trees and across ridgtops is a freedom like nothing else. where I fly there is absolutely zero risk to any other sort of aircraft or
Some people play golf, others sky dive. My thing is flying radio control airplanes. It’s a passion that has existed all my life. It’s something that gives me peace and a meaning in life. It