Ron Vollbrecht (ronn*@*
Flying and building is how I learn and how I relax. The new regulations would have a very adverse effect upon my quality of life as an American Citizen !!
Flying and building is how I learn and how I relax. The new regulations would have a very adverse effect upon my quality of life as an American Citizen !!
Foam board planes have allowed my 10 and 14 year old sons to learn and experiment with flight in our back yard. They have developed a love of flying. To the extent that my 14
Flying has inspired me to become an engineer. Without the experiences building fixed wing aircraft and multi rotors, and teaching myself about all these things, I would not be where I am today. This hobby
I am 66 years old and my dad got me interested in aircraft as a child. I started with balsa gliders, kites, and U-control, and moved on to RC as a teenager. My interest led
It is a fun hobby that I enjoy doing and would hope to be able to continue flying without overly burdened regulations for the type of planes I am flying.
Started flying models in the 50’s (Cub Scouts!). Have been in and out of modelling since then including Leader Member and Associate District VP in AMA and Founder Member and District VP in IMAA. Also
It helps reduce stress and worries of everyday life and gives me something fun to do
I’ve been looking into becoming a pilot for years and my son is planning on signing up for a drone operator class very soon through his school. This would hurt him in the area we
I want to share this hobby with others. I make my own foam board planes and love teaching kids how to design their own. These regulations would make that all but impossible.
I’m 71 years old and have been active in the hobby since 1955. Have flown everything from free flight, control line (gas), RC airplanes also gas and now RC Scale electric helicopters 450 size and
I have been flying model aircraft for 40 years. I fly at al. Locations, clubs, parks, rural locations, etc. I have NEVER seen, or encountered any safety issues in all that time. I fly safely
I got started with RC because I like to build models. Building a model from scratch or kit make it personal that I built the plane I can also fly it. I can still remmember