Bob Schulz (rgsc*@*ast.net)
I started flying fixed wing RC in the 1970’s, after flying control line as a child. In the 1990’s I transitioned from glow power to electric, and everything I’ve flown in the last 25 years
I started flying fixed wing RC in the 1970’s, after flying control line as a child. In the 1990’s I transitioned from glow power to electric, and everything I’ve flown in the last 25 years
A past time I enjoy with friends on a regular bases.It is affordable, relaxing and provides entertainment in retirement
It is a great way to get outside, use your brain and spend time with my kids.
I love flying lightweight airplanes and free flight rubber power in addition to quads. I do not understand 1) how hobby model flight is a safety issue requiring federal intervention as it never has been
My dad was a helicopter pilot in the Navy, so there was always an interest in aviation for the family. One Christmas day he got me a RC helicopter. A good one with a swash-plate
Flying matters to me because it is something that my grandfather did when he was my age, my father did, and now I am doing. However, the regulations make it more and more difficult to
I just like to discover new things, see the world from another perspective
Started in this hobby in 2018 from watching you-tube video. Have always enjoyed electronics computers and technology. Educated myself and learned to solder and design and build from many different you-tube channels. I have shared
It would kiil a lifestyle and innovation in that field. We need to let people like us innovate.
Flying has been a joy to me ever since I was 10 years old and my father bought me my first RC Plane. I have gone to competitions to watch others perform amazing feats. When
I am going to start my journey towards being a pilot. I watched Mr. Steele YouTube video and came here for this survey. I can’t do anything from my country but this needs to be
I just got into the hobby so this all would’ve been a wasted investment if I was no longer allowed to fly