Daniel Gant (dgan*@*ics.com)
These proposed rules are totally unacceptable. I have a Mechanical Engineering Degree and I work for one of the leading General Aviation aircraft manufactures. Model Aviation as it has been for the last 90 years
These proposed rules are totally unacceptable. I have a Mechanical Engineering Degree and I work for one of the leading General Aviation aircraft manufactures. Model Aviation as it has been for the last 90 years
It matters to me it’s a freedom to enjoy . I can’t afford to operate a maned aircraft this is the next best thing, I have enjoyed the concept of flite since I was kid
I’m tired of the Gov trying to intrude and control EVERY aspect of my life.
I fly a combination of LoS and FPV aircraft, including electric fixed wing, slope soaring gliders and small racing quads. I build many of my planes from scratch parts, and the added complexity of adding
Done it for almost 40years now so it will matter when the big restriction starts, sorry to say, as you know this is only the beginning. Fly safe Regards
I fly scratch built fixed wing model aircraft only .Have been a member of the A M A for over 40 years. These new regs.would run me out of the hobby .
I fly to release stress and clear my mind I consider it to be my zen place. I’ve been into FPV since 2015-16, and it’s brought me and my son closer and he enjoys watching
It’s a family affair. Opportunity to teach, learn and bond.
Flying for 60 + years has become a part of my life. The advent of new technology seemed only an improvement until drones appeared with advanced technologies. It seems that the major issues surround drone
I want to be an air force pilot and the model aircraft Hobb has helped me along that journey
I have been an RC airplane builder and flyer for 50 years . I fly in a mile square park that has been my flying sight all those years . There aren’t any registered flying
RC Flying is a great way to build enthusiasm for real AVIATION, both private and commercial. I have read that there is an increasing shortage of commercial pilots, and if these regulations diminish interest in