Flying is an escape from reality for me. When I put on the goggles and get into the air I can forget about the troubles of life and express myself through freestyle skate style tricks
Flying is an escape from reality for me. When I put on the goggles and get into the air I can forget about the troubles of life and express myself through freestyle skate style tricks
I’ve never found a hobby that I enjoy more than FPV. I just want the freedom to build my craft as I want and fly at my local parks and fields in a safe manor.
I have a love for rc vehicles. Don’t make it too difficult for me to have this one good thing in my life.
As a kid I had dreams of becoming an aeronautical engineer. I dabbled in model rocketry, and was obsessed with the idea of having an RC airplane, but such ‘toys’ were beyond what my family
The main concern here is the point of all this regulation. It appears to the regular person there are interests in attempting to completely lock down all/most airspace to facilitate the use of commercial drones.
Flying matters to me cause it’s a healthy form of escapism from all the stresses in my life. I’ve been in the hobby for over two years now and it’s been a great joy to
I just got into flying about 2 years ago and it has been the most rewarding hobby because I love the science behind the physics and engineering of these machines, it is a challenge and
If these laws are put in place I will not be able to fly anymore. Evertime my friends and I go out flying we quickly get an audience from all over the neighborhood and all
I fly all the time in what would be considered shielded operations in class d and class e airspace without authorization from the local airport because no manned aircraft are flying under the canopy of
It’s a great hobby and a great way to connect with and educate people of all ages. Restrictions would severely impact the accessibility of the hobby
Flying has been a huge part of my life for the past two years. It’s not only my biggest hobby, but it gives me a reason to learn about electronics, radio frequencies, how cameras work
I have been flying for years as a hobbyist. This hobby has helped me develop skills that being an avionics tech on fighter jets couldn’t even teach me. Every summer I do several free summer