Miroslav (miro*@*ail.com)
I like to build and fly quadcopters. The technical challenges with every new build are very interesting and appealing to me. I like to think during the planning phase and I enjoy when my plan
I like to build and fly quadcopters. The technical challenges with every new build are very interesting and appealing to me. I like to think during the planning phase and I enjoy when my plan
Some of my best friends and best times have been because FPV Drone Racing. It’s a hugely positive part of my life and my identity.
I’ve been flying fixed wing aircraft and drones for 9 years and this hobby has given me a whole new confidence in what I can achieve and has given me a whole new outlook on
I started flying RC aircraft when I was seven after I saved up allowance money to buy a $20 Air Hogs helicopter that had a battery that only lasted 2 minutes on a charge. When
As well as the pleasure, excitement, amazement of flight, the skill and challenges of building, it takes me out of the house and into social environments, make new friendships. It’s difficult to put into words
Hobbiest shouldn’t have to comply with those restrictions as everybody with a bit of logic and education can fly safe. Restrictions for any commercial companies which want to use drones for deliveries and all this
I fly FPV , I fly safe and away from people most of the time with multirotors no bigger than a fist. 99% of the time I don’t fly over 100 ft in altitude and
I’ve been in this wonderful hobby since the beginning of High School (2014). It kept me out of trouble, taught me skills in electrical work, fabrication, CAD, 3D printing. I build all of the models
Flying is a hue part of my life. I spend most of my hard earned hobby dollars to build my own craft. I take meticulous care of my craft and spend time researching locations to
i am a frame designer by profession. restrictions would effect my income i am a commercial pilot by profession. restrictions would effect my income drone tech relies on the hobby crowd for innovations. restrictions would
Flying is a good way to relieve some stress after a long, hard work week together with friends and family. It gives us a sense of freedom