Arron Bates (arro*@*key.com)
My name is Arron Bates, I’ve been in the hobby of flying models since my eyes were open, some 40 years now. My father used RC to introduce me to all things technical; building, structures,
My name is Arron Bates, I’ve been in the hobby of flying models since my eyes were open, some 40 years now. My father used RC to introduce me to all things technical; building, structures,
Been flying 31 years now. My 13 year old son has been flying for 1 1/2 years now. This sport presents us with unique challenges and problem solving issues.
Although I am in favor of Remote ID I do not want anything but broadcast RID… no internet. I also have major concerns about rPIC safety if locations are open to the public. I am
I am purchasing a camera drone. I have always wanted to fly, but never had the financial ability to do so. Camera drones seem to be my last chance to fly. More, I love photography
Hobbies in general are a vehicle for a person’s imagination to blossom. Model aviation offers more than most, in my estimation. It is also a lifelong learning opportunity. It is also a healthy outlet for
I imagine that I am like a lot of people who are interested in the hobby. My story is that I am a Director of Quality for a part 145 Repair Station and have enjoyed
I just started flying for fun but I’m thinking about gaining something from it if the remote id became a thing it will kill all of the auto build drones and General fpv
i am new to this hobby at 72 yrs young. But I enjoy the social element and commaradie. These new rules are totally uncalled for in my opinion. We need less restrictions…not more.NO ID.
I have always respected the rules because I love flying my drones so much its like a out of body experience. I love building my drones and seeing how they fly and making adjustments.
I love flying and have always had a passion for the hobby am currently flying under 107 and a COA for a Emergency Services Drone unit in Jenks Oklahoma.
I am retired & this is my primary source of recreation I don’t drink & am too old to chase women not that I knew what to do if I caught one.
Flying has always been a large part of my life; it truly has made me the person I am today. Every since I was a small child, I strived to understand the principals of flight.