This section is currently being updated. Over 6000 surveys have been submitted so far.
I’ve been an RC airplane builder and pilot for 42 years. The RC airplane sport/recreational activity as I’ve known it for over half a Century has never posed a security threat to national interests or
Daniel Stott (stot*@*
Flying is a way that I can have fun, whether it’s alone or with others. I enjoy all my aircraft and plan on continuing to fly regardless of FAA regulations or not!
As a european foreigner, your country has a strong influence over the world. This regulation means the death of our hobby which roots are helping each other and respecting people and space, just enjoyment.
Brian Y (flyb*@*
It got me into aviation it is my passion What better way to relax then to go fly my r/c airplanes
Erik Hogan (erik*@*
I have been scratch building and flying RC planes since I was 10, 40 years ago. It has been one of my most persistent and pleasurable, persistent life activities and I’ve enjoyed adapting as technology
Kaleb (Kale*@*
flying is my hobby, its my escape from work and i enjoy it, my kids are now getting older and they want to also get into it, having to add weight and cost to my
Douglas Thain (doug*@*
A robust aviation hobby community is critical to developing the next generation of engineers and pilots that build and fly in the commercial sector. Our nation’s leadership in the aviation industry will be lost if

I have few hobbies that I can use to help escape the pressures of adulthood. My financial situation wouldn’t allow my to continue this if these requirements are added. Flying isn’t a passion or career
Adam Smith (aero*@*
I fly mostly on my own land over a field. There are not clubs with airfields near me where i could just go without making a day trip out of it. It is a relaxing

Kyle Caplan (styl*@*
Flying is a way relaxing for me that no other hobby or activity has been able to achieve. I have found a renewed since of intellectual stimulation building, repairing and coming up with clever ideas