Fpv Flying has enabled me to learn and teach my son many different skills, including troubleshooting, basic electronics, software programming, respect of current flying rules , the ability to make safety calls ( like moving
Fpv Flying has enabled me to learn and teach my son many different skills, including troubleshooting, basic electronics, software programming, respect of current flying rules , the ability to make safety calls ( like moving
This hobby is something my dad introduced me to and have made it possible to have father and son time together, both building and flying. I hope to be able to take this same hobby
Flying a built from scratch FPV aircraft is by itself an amazing experience,but building it it and setting up its software is a procedure that requires knowledge in electronics and software.This hobby,being so fun and
My brother and I were taught to fly at by our Dad when we were like 5 and 6 years old, and at age 57 we still fly together. our safety record is Impeccable. With
I can barely afford the hobby as it is. I will not be spending additional money to comply with government regulations. I do not have any official flying fields in my area, therefore I would
I am simply a hobbyist. I got interest in RC airplanes as a child, but could never afford them. Now that I am much older, I am flying RC aircraft and teaching my sons as
I teach STEM in schools and the passion to learn great skills when I show model aircraft is immense. My passion started with an old Mills 0.75 engine from my uncle. From then I designed,
Model Flying is all about engineering, more than many other hobbies. The extent of efforts taken is by choice from pure recreation to professional/competitive pastime. As an aeronautical engineer, all that matters in the ‘big’
I think it is very important to get kids into this hobby because it might start an interest in technology and flight. I myself might not have chosen to study electrical engineering, if it wasn’t
Very enjoyable! Like slow gliding. I feel gov’t. is getting too intrusive.