Di Kwad (dami*@*ail.com)
I have learned so much during my 3 years in the hobby, have been able to share my skills/knowledge with my children, have managed to

CARMAFPV (carl*@*ail.com)
fpv flying is the most amazing experience, from the build to the fly, it will be killed, with these legislation, most of the innovations killed

Matt L (cryp*@*ail.com)
I’ve enjoyed the RC hobby since I could work the controls, and aircraft especially have been a great source of joy. However, I’ve only recently

I have physical limitations and this hobby gets me outdoors in the very country that I’m a citizen in. It seems to me that the

Lewis Busch-Vogel (lewb*@*ail.com)
I have been flying drones for years now, dating back to a DJI phantom 2 back in 2013. Since then I have started my own
Frederick Balsam (fred*@*hoo.com)
Model aviation is one of the most educational hobbies I have participated in. Adding restrictions, regulations, and financial burdens inhibits the advancements of not only

Tom Kelley (tom.*@*ail.com)
I love flying most forms of RC aircraft recreationally, I have flown many different kinds such as fix wing, multirotor and gliders. Everything from scratch

reddex r (redd*@*ail.com)
i drive a 18 wheeler. i travel 48 of the 50 states. i usually am able to use airmaps app on my phone and transmitter(ix12).setup

Robert Foulk (rfou*@*ail.com)
I started flying with my dad and now fly woth both my boys. It’s become a family tradition. These regulations will not help the issues.

Lee Fancey (lfan*@*ail.com)
My dad helped me build and fly thermal sail planes, when I was 10. I taught my children, I want be there when they teach

I only fly on my parents property in Tennessee, there is no cell coverage and no internet service apart from satellite which is horrible. I’ve

Scott Jamison (jami*@*ail.com)
I have a private pilots license and I know the reasons for the rules we have in place for general aviation, but I am very

Omkar Pande (omka*@*ail.com)
It passion to fly UAV or rc plane as it plays as satisfying the pleasure of flying .and also to make my living of my

Wade Wiley (wade*@*aol.com)
My father started me with control-line flying when I was around 10 years old. Building model aircraft started even earlier. I progressed through building and

Caleb Young (isai*@*ail.com)
If I hadn’t gotten into flying I don’t know where I would be today in terms of education and experience. Flying is a great way

Brent Williams (will*@*ook.com)
My father taught me build model airplanes when I was young. I spent hours and hours learning how planes flew, how to build them, and
Diego Baeza (d_ba*@*ail.com)
As an RC (aeroplane) flier in Spain (and someone who has lived in the US many years), whatever legislation is passed in the US will

Kevin Lantz (amat*@*hoo.com)
I have worked in aviation my entire career. I started in commercial aviation in 1993 and I now work for a defense contractor for the
New Partnership March, 2022
We want to announce an exciting new partnership with the FPV Freedom Coalition (FPVFC) that we have been working on for some time behind the scenes. The FPVFC is a likeminded non-profit organization that has a commitment to support everyone involved in recreational radio control and first person view small
Washington DC Trip – Quick Update
On Feb 18 we had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to meet with the heads of the UAS integration office from the FAA. We were warmly welcomed and the meeting went fantastic. Although we are not out of the woods, I am optimistic that we have not only the right message, but
Trip to Washington DC, planned for Feb 18th-19th
UPDATE: Josh Bixler is heading to washington Feb 18th-19th to meet with several key people from the FAA and hopefully also with some congressmen and senators. We are hoping to fill these two days in with as many meetings as possible to turn the current proposals to a positive direction.
The Flite Test Community Association Website goes live!
This is our community home. Here you will find amazing people and their stories, directions to our free services and content, updates and upcoming events, answers to your most frequent questions and a lot more! This is just a start. We have a lot of ideas and content being currently