Gil Major (gilr*@*ail.com)
The FAA regulating current AMA Model Aviation is like requiring all drivers to have a CDL because we drive. I can see the FAA being

When I was much younger, I didn’t have any friends. I would start sports, like soccer and lacrosse, but I wouldn’t find any joy in

PK Steffen (pkst*@*ail.com)
I build and fly my own multi-rotors with friends, family and at STEM programs at schools. The proposed regulations don’t provide any option to comply
Christopher Bruck (mrch*@*ail.com)
My name is Christopher Bruck. I am 20 years old and live in Matthews, North Carolina. I have been a casual drone hobbyist for the

david werner (dave*@*hoo.com)
iv been flying rc helicopters and trainers i have a 11-6 wing span b-17g 8-6 long 48 pounds i use it for shows only its

Abe Harris (Harr*@*ail.com)
I am a low income individual that lives in a rural area. I build most of my own planes because I can’t afford the commercially

Ray (cali*@*ail.com)
I started multirotors about three years ago as a hobby. My first one was a DJI Phantom but this quickly turned into scratch built as

Christopher Fletcher (chri*@*ail.com)
I started out flying with a small DJI drone that I brought with me everywhere. I never used it where I shouldn’t and always obeyed

Vincent LaPorte (vdla*@*ail.com)
I have enjoyed the hobby of model aviation since 1982. I am now 76 and still fly and build drones , helicopters and airplanes. I

Shootz Hard (caso*@*ail.com)
Flying is one of the few joys I have left in life. My physical condition doesn’t allow me to do the things I used to

Raymond Kreisel (rayk*@*hoo.com)
I fly 5-inch multirotor quads. For me, FVP is a combination of learning about electronics, aviation, software, RC, and so much more. I am a

Martin Pryor (N604*@*ail.com)
I’m both a full scale private pilot and a radio controlled pilot for both quadcopters and airplanes/gliders. Flying both full scale and models can be

Sam Pond (samw*@*ail.com)
I have been a recreational model aircraft pilot for over six years. I was able to get into this hobby with the help of Flite

Rocky Tyson (rock*@*ail.com)
I fly fpv drones mostly 5″ 650g and under. This is my hobby, my pass time, my passion, my drive to excel at work so

J W Bruwer (leeu*@*ail.com)
To me it is a hobby with which I can relax and have fun with like minded individuals. It is also my connection to flight

I am currently 68 years old and have been flying for about 10 years. I have always loved RC airplanes but did not have time

Will (will*@*ail.com)
I learned to build and fly with my father and it is one of our greatest common interests.

Andrew Leibold (drew*@*ail.com)
Flying small, model aircraft matters to me because it is a cheaper form of flight as opposed to getting a pilot’s license. Flying model aircraft
New Partnership March, 2022
We want to announce an exciting new partnership with the FPV Freedom Coalition (FPVFC) that we have been working on for some time behind the scenes. The FPVFC is a likeminded non-profit organization that has a commitment to support everyone involved in recreational radio control and first person view small
Washington DC Trip – Quick Update
On Feb 18 we had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to meet with the heads of the UAS integration office from the FAA. We were warmly welcomed and the meeting went fantastic. Although we are not out of the woods, I am optimistic that we have not only the right message, but
Trip to Washington DC, planned for Feb 18th-19th
UPDATE: Josh Bixler is heading to washington Feb 18th-19th to meet with several key people from the FAA and hopefully also with some congressmen and senators. We are hoping to fill these two days in with as many meetings as possible to turn the current proposals to a positive direction.
The Flite Test Community Association Website goes live!
This is our community home. Here you will find amazing people and their stories, directions to our free services and content, updates and upcoming events, answers to your most frequent questions and a lot more! This is just a start. We have a lot of ideas and content being currently