John Cagle (John*@*hoo.Com)
One of the things that bring happiness into my life is building, modifying and operating radio controlled vehicles and aircraft; It always has. It’s relaxing,

Noah (blks*@*hoo.com)
Im an aircraft mechanic and love aviation. Flying drones has helped me cope with ptsd after my military service by giving me something that requires

JU5TBYCHANCE (jonw*@*hoo.com)
I fly as a emotional expression, artist it’s release with so many positive interactions and minds being opened to technology and exploration both kids and

Ron Wolfe (tail*@*mac.com)
I have been an aviation mechanic for 36 years. My interest in aviation began as a child, building and flying model airplanes, initially rubber band

Kyle Perry (kper*@*ail.com)
I mostly fly on my own property. I live in a rural area where internet speeds are extremely slow and cell coverage is very spotty.

I started flying sophomore year of college, about 2 years ago. Since then, I’ve started a club at my University and I’ve gotten 2 internships

I have an illness that prevents me from participating in sports work and regular life challenges. It has got so bad that Flying is the

John Larson (jlar*@*hoo.com)
I’m a Navy vet, grandfather getting close to retirement. I’ve dreamed of flying like a bird. FPV flying is like dream come true. It takes

Paul Hughes (paul*@*@me.com)
Flying has been one of the only things that calms my anxieties and stresses in life. It has given me a first class education in

deez nutz (e618*@*hen.com)

Mike Chin (mike*@*ail.com)
I came into this hobby as someone who had 0 experience with rc at 26 years old. I learned every single thing I possibly could

J C (cjcc*@*hoo.com)
I am an engineer and someone who has always loved flight. In college my senior design project delt with model aircraft and quad copters. Ever

I love to build, love to fly, and pride myself in several precautions to make certain I am safe, having a great time and make

Ignacio Romero (igna*@*ail.com)
It is a way of life. These proposals are taking away our freedom of exploring and innovating, while we cause no risk to anyone. These

Walter Lasley (slowmotoFPV) (rayg*@*ail.com)
Do we as civilians have information of all airplanes and its passengers with pilots as they pass over its on a daily bases? Flying drones

Alan M (a.d.*@*ail.com)
Flying fpv quadcopters and drones is more than a hobby to me and everyone around me as well. It’s about friends, family, and mental wellness.

Andrew Hall (andy*@*ail.com)
I fly all the time in what would be considered shielded operations in class d and class e airspace without authorization from the local airport

Cliff Ladwig (Alwa*@*ail.com)
I just got into flying about 2 years ago and it has been the most rewarding hobby because I love the science behind the physics
New Partnership March, 2022
We want to announce an exciting new partnership with the FPV Freedom Coalition (FPVFC) that we have been working on for some time behind the scenes. The FPVFC is a likeminded non-profit organization that has a commitment to support everyone involved in recreational radio control and first person view small
Washington DC Trip – Quick Update
On Feb 18 we had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to meet with the heads of the UAS integration office from the FAA. We were warmly welcomed and the meeting went fantastic. Although we are not out of the woods, I am optimistic that we have not only the right message, but
Trip to Washington DC, planned for Feb 18th-19th
UPDATE: Josh Bixler is heading to washington Feb 18th-19th to meet with several key people from the FAA and hopefully also with some congressmen and senators. We are hoping to fill these two days in with as many meetings as possible to turn the current proposals to a positive direction.
The Flite Test Community Association Website goes live!
This is our community home. Here you will find amazing people and their stories, directions to our free services and content, updates and upcoming events, answers to your most frequent questions and a lot more! This is just a start. We have a lot of ideas and content being currently