Christian (cfet*@*oly.edu)
Been flying for over 9 years. Working on my aerospace engineering degree because of it. Would hate to see a hobby like this be so

Mike Blackburn (blac*@*ail.com)
I have been interested in model aviation and flight for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my family didn’t have the money to

JOHN GALT (john*@*tch.com)
Many of The Astronauts and Military pilots that defend the US interests, not to mention scientists, and innovators of the last and this century have

Andrew Gram (jtst*@*ail.com)
Slope soaring (gliders) was what got me into RC flight. I couldn’t get the hang of it at first (this was before EPP foam came

It’s Fun to choose and combine parts to build something unique and compare it with my friends stuff

Adrian Ryan (gtyo*@*ail.com)
This will kill the hobby. This will stop this industry. There is no safety advantage to this

wesley crutchfield (wack*@*ail.com)
i am retired, i use to fly ppl, those days are over, FPV gets me in the air again, the hobby gives me purpose and

Joey Kopilow (joey*@*hoo.com)
I’m relatively new to flying Fpv, just discovered it this past September. Started out with an inductrix whoop and I was instantly hooked. I began

Mike AIRWOLF_FPV Ramos (ramo*@*hoo.com)
Flying my drones makes me a happier person. Let’s me escape from the monotony of life and soar into the atmosphere like an eagle. I

Bryan H. (brya*@*oun.edu)
Flying is such a multi faceted aspect of my life. I fly manned aircraft for personal, and volunteer missions. I also have loved, since my

Scott Emery (e238*@*hoo.com)
60 years old. Just began flying. Keeps my brain sharp and just keep learning things. Electronics and soldering.

Richard Ward (rick*@*kid.com)
Flying helps me relax, helps me meet new people and helps me forget my problems. And it’s fun. My little girls are interested in flying

Insane Wayne (mill*@*aol.com)
My release from stress. My passion

Anthony Townsend (pump*@*ail.com)
Most of my models are light weight, the extra weight will be a significant penalty on performance and complexity. Hobbyists abide by rules, the restrictions

David Spielman (dspi*@*ail.com)
I dream of flying. Every night, it’s a recurring dream, a wonderful dream. For the last 18 years I’ve been lucky, I’ve been able to

Diedrich Mohring (dmoh*@*att.net)
I have been in flying models and full size airplanes for 75 years and at 85, I am still building and flying model airplanes.. Safety

Jason Povall (jaso*@*mac.con)
It’s my hobby. It gets me out the house. It educates me. It’s harmless. Any regulation , rule, or registration requirement will NEVER prevent a

Charles Howell (orth*@*hoo.com)
As a dad of a 10-year-old daughter, I am doing everything to keep her interested in things that are beneficial to her upbringing. We have
New Partnership March, 2022
We want to announce an exciting new partnership with the FPV Freedom Coalition (FPVFC) that we have been working on for some time behind the scenes. The FPVFC is a likeminded non-profit organization that has a commitment to support everyone involved in recreational radio control and first person view small
Washington DC Trip – Quick Update
On Feb 18 we had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to meet with the heads of the UAS integration office from the FAA. We were warmly welcomed and the meeting went fantastic. Although we are not out of the woods, I am optimistic that we have not only the right message, but
Trip to Washington DC, planned for Feb 18th-19th
UPDATE: Josh Bixler is heading to washington Feb 18th-19th to meet with several key people from the FAA and hopefully also with some congressmen and senators. We are hoping to fill these two days in with as many meetings as possible to turn the current proposals to a positive direction.
The Flite Test Community Association Website goes live!
This is our community home. Here you will find amazing people and their stories, directions to our free services and content, updates and upcoming events, answers to your most frequent questions and a lot more! This is just a start. We have a lot of ideas and content being currently