Adam Small (bigg*@*ail.com)
I’m a 20 year Airline Pilot and flying RC airplanes when I was a young teen in the late 80s is what drove me into

Kent Petersson (skut*@*mac.com)
Flying for me is when am not doing all must do things, its a kind of valve to let out all every day pressure and

Marco Mazzufferi (marc*@*ail.com)
I am an airline pilot, instructor and examiner. All started when I was a kid building and flying my aircraft models. I never gave up

Harold Miller (spee*@*zon.net)
It’s relaxing great way to spend time with family and friends I’m in a wheelchair gets me out of the house building and flying are

Thomas Cinnamon (t.ci*@*ail.com)
I race drones in competition and recreation. I do not pester people at tourist locations, nor harass my neighbors, nor fly into airport patterns, nor

Josh Lewis (hi@j*@*josh.ml)
I started with FPV three years ago and it’s had a profound impact in my life. I’ve been given new opportunities I never thought possible

Brad Jackson (brad*@*ail.com)
I’m an active Airline Transport Pilot and certificated part 107 sUAS pilot. I love flying both at my day job and in my hobby. RemoteID

Steve Abbott (ttsa*@*ail.com)
The freedom of flight is therapeutic, it relaxes me and allows reduces tension and stress.

John White (john*@*ech.edu)
I am a teacher at a tech center and plan/organize one of the largest k-12 educational drone competitions in the United States, last year we

Ronny Welter (work*@*ity.com)
I got fpv drones because it combines my passion for engineering, visual arts, video editing, exploring the world, meeting new people and the rush of

Roger Tinder (rtin*@*vtc.com)
Modeling hooked me on aviation, and led me to a fantastic career as an operational, then functional test and evaluation KC-135 pilot in the USAF.

Greg (glew*@*ail.com)
I love the freedom of exploring new areas to practice my fpv drone skills. I enjoy capturing HD video of proximity flying through areas like

Lucas Littlefield (luca*@*ail.com)
Love this hobby. Made so many life long friends and love competing.

Luke Unger (u.lu*@*hoo.com)
I grew up watching my Dad fly nitro planes. I remember the smell and the sound vividly. We used to go to this local park

Two years ago a friend introduced my son and I to fpv racing drones. In that time we have built together more than 15 aircraft

Vicente Suarez (vsua*@*l.co.uk)
I retired two years ago and I took the hobby building and flying Remote Control Quad-copters and Fix Wing planes. This hobby keeps my brain

I’m concerned that commercial interests like Amazon are behind the push for regulation in order to own the air for profit. Pushing aside the age

Kurtis Towery (kurt*@*oud.com)
Okay I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and flying racing drones via FPV has giving me the ability to experience some things I never thought possible.
New Partnership March, 2022
We want to announce an exciting new partnership with the FPV Freedom Coalition (FPVFC) that we have been working on for some time behind the scenes. The FPVFC is a likeminded non-profit organization that has a commitment to support everyone involved in recreational radio control and first person view small
Washington DC Trip – Quick Update
On Feb 18 we had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to meet with the heads of the UAS integration office from the FAA. We were warmly welcomed and the meeting went fantastic. Although we are not out of the woods, I am optimistic that we have not only the right message, but
Trip to Washington DC, planned for Feb 18th-19th
UPDATE: Josh Bixler is heading to washington Feb 18th-19th to meet with several key people from the FAA and hopefully also with some congressmen and senators. We are hoping to fill these two days in with as many meetings as possible to turn the current proposals to a positive direction.
The Flite Test Community Association Website goes live!
This is our community home. Here you will find amazing people and their stories, directions to our free services and content, updates and upcoming events, answers to your most frequent questions and a lot more! This is just a start. We have a lot of ideas and content being currently