, Canterbury
, Connecticut
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-22 11:22:34
“I have spent my entire adult life working and raising a family with very little time to dedicate to Hobbies. Now that I am approaching the retirement years I started again in this hobby about a year ago. I have close to $1200 dollars invested in building supplies, and I’ve built over 10 Flitetest planes some multiple times. The last being the Alpha at 150% size. Last year I have dedicated one afternoon a week to meet a friend from work where we fly at two local parks located approximately 30 miles from my home. I also try to fly at a rural property close to my home which is an operating gravel bank / dairy farm 4 miles from my home. I have plans to introduce my grandson who is 20 months old to this hobby when he is old enough. Currently we are at the Chuck Glider phase now. My adult son has also expressed an interest to learn how to fly. My concerns are the Flite Test / Scratch built type planes will not be able to fly except at approved flying sites. Additionally the restriction of an imposed end date for approved sites to be approved is actually counter-productive to safety to not have the ability to add new safe / approved flying sites. Paying a monthly fee to register scratch built type planes is ridiculous, these plane have a limit life span as the foam becomes broken / fatigued, and they are required to be rebuilt. The current registration process is fine as a method to Identify the pilot. Flexibility for line of site needs to be considered, 400 feet radius is fine where I fly in New England because of terrain , but why limit it to 400 feet, if I’m a pilot in the central / western part of the United States where visual line of sight can be a much greater distance. I believe an app like B4UFly or Air Maps to report my location along with a start time and end time could be utilized to report my location of flying in non-restricted air space, and would meet the safety requirements for this hobby.”