, Tacoma
, Washington
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-23 9:22:36
“I have been flying RC Sailplanes for over 45 years and never thought it would come to this. I fly to relax and enjoy the flight and be able to share with others the same interests. It could be a club field or the local school yard depending on what we are flying. Anything from hand launch gliders to 4 meter sailplanes. I still remember my first glider and first flight sharing the hill with hang gliders and never having a problem sharing airspace. The most memorable 2 hour flight to start me off in this wonderful hobby. I have helped many people start into the hobby over the years and have done almost all aspects, but always return to the sailplanes and gliders. Now for the nitty gritty. Flying a pure sailplane with a hi-tart or winch would put the plane over the 400 foot altitude restriction. I would save that for the little park flyers i fly in my back yard pr at the base ball diamond. I like to fly models that I have built and push them to their limits t time. Adding additional equipment equipment and telemetry devices is absurd and costly. I build and fly with what is affordable for the particular model. 2 channel, rudder/elevator such as hand launch is would be costly to put a small ID transponder into for just a half hours worth of flight time. Don’t need additional gear in the plane to ruin the fun factor with somebody watching our every move. Ideally one day some I would like to retire and enjoy building and flying the models I have collected over the years to really enjoy the hobby and share it with others that want to learn. Also I have been a long term member with AMA and abide by the safety rules used within. Why change what has been in place for so long. Some things in life should be left alone.”