, Germany
Posted on
2020-02-22 19:45:44
“If we compare risks to the public from UAS (drones) with automobiles, we can draw analogies backed up by a century of regulatory and commercial experience.
Under 250g is like bicycles. Use almost anywhere. Cover risks by personal liability insurance.
Over 250g up to 25 kg flown well clear from people and air traffic for non-commercial purposes is like off-road vehicles. Open category. Home-built fine, no pilot licensing, no ID required, radio control insurance for the residual risks.
250g to 25kg flown near people or for commercial purposes and well clear of air traffic is like light road vehicles. Specific category, with operational risk assessment. Authority approval may be needed. Limited vehicle type approval, ID required, operator theory test. Registration could be like the small license plates issued in Germany by the insurance companies, in Japan by the city administration.
Above 25 kg or flown within air traffic is like common and heavy road vehicles. Certified category, with airworthiness certificate, ID required, pilot licensing, type rating, the works.
As in road traffic, all UAS flyers remain well clear of emergency vehicles. Hit and run is a punishable offense. Remote pilot location data not needed, nor helpful. While flying, do not disturb pilot. In case of accident, location data broadcast likely ceases and pilot relocates to find crash site. At what stage would it be judged hit-and-run?”