“I have 13 fixed wing model airplanes. 8 planes were built from plans by me. The other 5 were bought made. The largest plane is 1/3 scale J-3 cub with a gas engine 22lbs in weight. I fly at a club field 15 miles north of Alexandria MN need to be a AMA member to fly at the field and all members are AMA. There is no need to have to put some type of tracker on these planes at our field. I have no problem putting my name address and AMA number along with my FAA number if it would crash. The cost of these planes range from $20 to $500. When I going out flying my plan is to bring the planes home in one piece so to go out and do it again. I have been flying for 50 plus year and have crash my share of planes but could always walk to where the planes went down to pick up the pieces The FAA needs to understand that the model hobbies puts alot time and money into the hobby and does its own job of policing the hobby with the present rules set out by the FAA.”