, Peoria
, Arizona
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-13 17:31:03
“I am a certificated Private Pilot. I took my checkride and was licensed after graduating high school in 1992. I started flying radio controlled models about the time I learned to ride a bike. Radio Control modeling got my into aviation and eventually led me to pursuing a Pilot certificate after a brief stint flying Powered Parachutes.
RC Modeling is my outlet for my desire to fly. The regs as written shut me down as I only fly at clubs at events where I pay to compete / participate. Under the NPRM all of my ‘amateur built’ models will be limited to FRIAs. I don’t fly at an AMA club (aka FRIA) except maybe 2 events a year. Every other weekend I’m in City designated parks for R/C flying or I fly out in non-populated areas.
Remote ID makes sense for these commercial lobbyists (amazon, UPS, FedEx, etc) that are pushing for this legislation. They want to operate BLVOS with fully autonomous UAS. This technology could also apply for amateur built aircraft that want to fly BVLOS. For full scale they have a means to install transponders and ADS-B equipment for experimental aircraft, there is no reason for amateur built model aircraft to have a Remote ID option as well if it becomes a mandate. Right now these is no path to compliance for amateur built aircraft.
If remote ID is deemed necessary, it seems that a ‘reasonable’ option would be some kind of a telemetry link that would broadcast back to a ground station that could interface with a mobile phone app to pass UAS and pilot location.
For recreational model flight within a distance you can still see the model, these models should be exempt from remote ID.
If the rules in NPRM went into effect, R/C modeling effectively doesn’t exist for me and many other Model Aviation enthusiasts. I would be looking to go to full scale (possibly Part 103) for more reasonable regulations to operate under.”