, Australia
Posted on
2020-02-13 22:57:00
“As my submission to the FAA!
Dear FAA,
Please reconsider your proposed requirements for remote identification of UAV’s, particularly those under 7 Kg!
I am sixty eight years old, just retired and have dreamt of my retirement as a chance to use my UAV’s far more (wife allowing of course)!
I do not and have never received any reward for the use of my hobby equipment; it is for my own enjoyment and education and the education of others.
I have been involved in Radio Control aircraft for many years; in the past ten years with Multi-rotor aircraft.
I have designed, built and modified MANY craft, most being modified after a few flights, enhancements, redesign and mostly correcting design errors.
I have, by a direct consequence, learnt to use CNC systems and equipment, an incredible learning curve on material use, like Poly-carbonate, Carbon Fibre, Fibre glass, epoxies and many others.
I have learnt how to program and write software for the control systems.
I have learnt about GPS use and many applications of the sensors used in UAV’s.
Over the years I have spent thousands of dollars (don’t tell the wife) on my hobby. It is not just flying UAV’s but the magnitude of things that go into the hobby.
I only have one proprietary multi-rotor. The home built rest are for line of sight (LOS) fun, usually less that 2 Kg and up to 12” across motors.
I have built larger UAV’s for photographic work. These use my home made Gimbals plus a couple of semi constructed frames. I have learn how to programme these and I am achieving excellent results.
I fly First Person View (FPV) (with observer) for fun and to frame my video and still work.
I do not have access to club sites, they are expensive and VERY political about the type of craft that use them. I fly in areas where there is intermittent or no internet coverage so how can I fit or use any ID equipment. My 5.8GHz Video TX transmits my Radio Ham Call-sign is that not a possible identification medium? These transmitters are common place, they transmit on open frequencies (ISM) and in some cases the video is recorded. They are cheap and available!
I worry about my personal security, there are idiots who want to attack us for media stimulated misrepresentation. Unrestricted location and Identification is VERY dangerous to us!
Please do not use third party agencies to collect our data and give us the privacy we are entitled to!
I fly under the current rules, I have never had an accident involving a third party. Most accidents involve my craft being damaged, I have never had a personal injury in over fifty five years of RC hobby involvement.
My video/still UAV use would be impossible if flying site restrictions were imposed. I beg you not to impose the proposed limitations.
I believe that contemporary UAV’s owe a considerable debt to hobbyists who developed many of the current advancements. It would be an insult to our work to push us aside in favour of the commercial interests.
I beg you to leave noncommercial use and hobby suppliers out of the legislation!
I humbly submit this for your consideration!
I am not a United States of America citizen but I know I am very representative of the many thousands who are! I am an Australian citizen who is aware that your intended legislation’s might be adopted by other countries.
Roy Young.
Additional comments not sent to the FAA
Definition; Amateur: A person who engages in a study, sport, or other activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons!
And inclusive of: means not to infer any lack of knowledge, experience or commitment!
With respect to the FAA proposed legislation:
If the intention is to stop nefarious activities then it will not! Those who seek to do illegal, antisocial or immoral activities will not comply with the requirements.
Those of us who’s primary activity is in the design, construction, development and self education of using small vehicle aeronautics are being penalised without cause by this proposed legislation.
The history of aeronautics is overwhelmingly inclusive of amateur dreams, experiments, failures and successes; it must be a fact that the foundations of flight were laid by those who perused the dream. We, the current small vehicle aeronautics community stand on the shoulders of those and work to further their work. We want to continue to `go where no one has gone before’ seek and discover new ways. This will be smothered by this legislation!
I believe that contemporary drone technology is solely based on ‘Open source` software development and many of the current manufactures of off the shelf drones are using control systems invented, developed and founded by a community of highly motivated enthusiasts.
To apply restrictions of this magnitude is a travesty to this work that I believe has been misappropriated and now being used immorally without acknowledgement or recompense!”