, irving
, Texas
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-22 20:57:35
“I love everything RC, I started doing RC at around 12 years old, I am currently 43 and RC was one of those things that took my brain to a different place and got me out of different stressed moments of my life.
Back in the day, I started with RC cars and then turned into planes and helicopters. I believe 5 years ago I started flying multirotor and started making and designing my own and this was an amazing time for me because it came to the moment that I could almost make every single part I of these aircraft. The RC hobby I loved got even better and now I was all over making my own parts and building my own multirotor, all kinds of multirotor, quadcopter, tricopters, hexacopters and more. With this I started making new friends that had the same mindset I have about this hobby and we get together to fly whenever we have time for it. Our group also started doing presentations in local schools and kids clubs, talking about how they work and how you can come up with ideas and make your own (this might become out future engineers and aeronauts).
This impact that this new regulation bring will kill my liberty to create these aircraft, hobby, and hope one-day professional flying machines. At the same time will limit completely our ability to go out and teach other people about the hobby and will also kill the ability for my friends and me to go out to local schools and teach young minds about aviation and electronics.
Hope this regulation get eliminated and revises to be more PRO Hobby and actually maybe give more liberties to us that use this and a way to learn, teach and entertain.
Thank you.”