, Corpus Christi
, Texas
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-13 20:30:22
“I am a long time fixed wing model airplane hobbyist. I have been a member of the Academy Of Model Aeronautics for over 40 years. I do not fly multirotor UAV’s, only traditional fixed wing model aircraft. I have been an officer in several AMA chartered local clubs including President, Treasurer and Safety Officer. All AMA chartered clubs must have a club safety officer but each member must also be in essence a safety officer. I noticed in an interview on You Tube at the CES event FAA representative Danielle Corbet, Aviation Safety Inspector, FAA said the FAA recognizes the AMA fixed wing pilots are not the problem. I am appreciative the FAA regards hobbyists like myself as not being the problem.
I am 67 years old and recently retired living on a fixed income. Flying my airplanes is my only recreational activity and helps maintain my mental acuity and dexterity. I have accumulated many aircraft over the years. I currently have about 30 models. I fly perhaps 2 or three during a typical session. I gladly registered when the FAA required it. That one registration included all my aircraft and I have placed the registration number on the outside of the model along with my AMA number as required. It would create a financial hardship if I have to register each of my aircraft individually since I do live on a fixed income.
I read the NMPR and believe you want members of a CBO to fly at fixed recognized sites FRIA’s. That is fine with me but it is my understanding that if we were to lose the approved site the FAA would not approve any new sites. I would ask you consider fixed AMA chartered club sites be approved as necessary to keep a place to fly in the future if any sites are lost for whatever reason.
The FAA created LAANC to integrate UAS into the NAS. LAANC is just beginning to function and I believe this should be the primary answer to successfully and safely integrate UAS’s. It just makes good sense to me to require all flights to be requested and permission given by LAANC. It seems like a viable solution for all UAS flights even those at FRIA’s be required to obtain permission to fly by using LAANC instead of having onboard broadcast or internet or a subscription based third party provider. By using LAANC the FAA would know when, where, and who is flying. I believe there is a large chance of unscrupulous operators not adhering to remote ID and only the law abiding flyers like myself and all AMA members if your proposed methods of remote ID rules become law.”