

, Syracuse

, New York

, United States

Posted on
2020-02-22 16:38:37
“For my entire life I’ve been fascinated with flight. One of my earliest flight memories is watching pelicans flying together above the waves and acrobatically swooping, flipping and diving into the sea. Another was of seeing hundreds of geese flying across the sky in their moving V formation. Birds of all sorts fascinated me and images of being free in the sky were in my dreams. As I grew up I built many flying things: kites, gliders and model airplanes so when I had kids of my own we started building model rockets and airplanes together, a great bonding and learning experience. Currently our chapter of the Academy of Model Aeronautics is partnering with the Experimental Aircraft Association to give kids at a local junior and senior high school a chance to learn about aviation by building and flying a radio controlled trainer airplane. Most have no experience in building or working with hand tools, we can see their confidence and satisfaction grow when they make something beautiful using their energy and intelligence on a project. When it’s completed this spring they will have the chance to learn to fly at our local club field. Please don’t stifle opportunities like this with burdensome regulations. These are the kids that became astronauts and test pilots in the last century. Let them fly!”