, Beaumont
, Texas
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-13 21:58:22
“I started in model aviation along with my Dad and brother in 1981.It began with free flight,control line and then Radio Control fixed wing.We have since experimented with helicopters and multirotors.These days it’s exclusively electric propulsion.
We have built our models from kits and scratch built from plans.I enjoy the building aspect because of the creativity involved.We often change things on our builds to suit our individual needs.
The hobby has introduced me to other avenues of aviation, including full scale flight.I have always gone back to model flying because of the lower expense and satisfaction of flying your own creations.It’s fun to see what friends have tried out also.It’s very enjoyable to share ideas with them and discuss all things aviation.
Model aviation has taught me practical building skills,problem solving and self expression through building.The best part of the hobby of all are the bonds you make with like minded people.These same hobbyist have also become dear friends.
My family mostly flies at an AMA club.These are difficult to find when looking for friendly members and good facilities.Our club field is top notch in amenities and comfort.It took our members many hours of hard labor,sweat and loving dedication to achieve what we have today.Our membership is great to get along with. The guys are go getters in making the membership function well.
We also participate in the community hosting flying events.Toys for tots,Veterans day,fun flies and social benefits; to name a few.Our members strive to be good ambassadors for the hobby by welcoming anyone interested in learning to fly.It’s a joy to teach young and old alike and help them achieve a measurable success.
I regard our wholesome sport a national treasure to be preserved for future generations.It would be a pity and an utter travesty to allow government agencies and politicians to diminish this great sport for less than desirable purposes.I think that educating the uninformed that we are no threat to anyone will help our cause.
Model aviation for me personally is my passion. I’ve enjoyed all of the blessings it has given me over a lifetime.I wish nothing more than to share the joy of the hobby with the community.It’s a worthwhile endeavor.”