, Israel
Posted on
2020-02-20 14:34:47
“My name is Mayan I am 34 years old and got into the hobby while looking for something to use to bond with my son. We started through balsa gliders that we would lauch using a rubber band launcher, but these were missing something they were missing control.
That’s when I looked around and found Flite Test that showed me an unexpense way to take this fun hobby to the next level and go RC. I started by building a Simple Cub and going with the entire family to try and fly it, even though the attempt was unsuccessful I decided to keep trying and got some advice from people on your forum.
After getting some advice I built a Tiny Trainer and using the Flite Test moto “Build, Fly, Creash, Repeat” taught myself how to fly, feeling better and better each time I was getting more air time. I kept practicing until I managed to fly full batteries and preform basic aerobatics, which is when I moved to fly other models designed by Flite Test and eventually also other models designed by community members. After feeling comfortable enough to throw any model in the air knowing I would have some control over the model, and closing a open business flying at the location where I first failed I was ready to move on to teaching my son to fly as well as design my own model.
Today I build and fly every model I can and try to learn from the different flying expriences that each air craft offers. I keep teaching my son to fly and encourge others to expreince the hobby as well. The last thing my son and I did and was every fun and I was very proud of was introduce the hobby to my son’s class at school.
If you want to read more about my exprience in the hobby from day one as well as share the information available there with others feel free to look at my diary based threads on the Flite Test forum, links bellow.
Best of luck in representing us in front of the FAA, I am personally behind you every step of the way. Please also keep doing what you do best which is inspire us to “Build, Fly, Crash, Repeat.””