, Virginia
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-13 18:47:13
“I would like to start this comment by telling you why I enjoy the RC hobby, first it started with a motorcycle accident where I nearly lost my right leg. It was a difficult adjustment getting used to a new normal, walking, bathing, dressing all changed yet while I was in a hospital bed in my living room for 6 months my sister brought me an extremely small dual rotor helicopter I could fly around the house and it was amazing, I actually felt my depression slip away for the short time I got to fly it. Then later in my recovery my brother in law brought over a Traxxas nitro truck and I was elated to drive it and hadn’t laughed so hard in 8 months! And that was just the beginning.
Much later I discovered quadcopters (which many like to use the misnomer “drone” at least with respect to the freestyle quads I fly now). I started with a Syma X11 and again it was amazing and at this point which had been several years since my accident I could actually walk and get my quad when I crashed. Shortly thereafter I had someone build me my first freestyle 5″ quad and quickly realized that without the skills to diagnose and repair this was going to be a short lived hobby. So I set out to learn everything I could in order to become a better hobbyist, I learned to solder, many engineering aspect, wiring, diagram/schematic reading, computer programming to list a few things I have enjoyed that this hobby has taught me.
Over the last several years I have taken great pride in what I have learned and have spent countless hours in online video chats assisting other hobbyists in getting their quad flying, keeping it in the air and even improving the flight. While I don’t have the answers as to what is the best course of action what I can tell you is that what is proposed will not just stunt the entirety of the aerial RC community but these regulations will over a short period of time, in my humble opinion, quite literally destroy and make extinct the hobby we have all come to know and love.”