, Salt Lake City
, Utah
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-14 13:13:30
“PRESENT: I enjoy sharing my experience, passion, and knowledge by voluntarily teaching STEM and STEAM courses through the University of Utah Continuing Education department and Natural History Museum. My courses reach age groups from 5 to 85, including Veterans. I use educational materials and resources from CBO’s such as the Flite Test STEM program, and educational resources from AMA, EAA, AOPA, and NASA. These programs introduce the excitement and fun of flight and are very popular. Key components of my lesson plans/classes are compliance and safety. Presently we fly traditional models and quadcopters on University campus park areas using a visual line of sight (with observers), quite legally and safely.
FUTURE: The proposed Remote ID NPRM, will cause the end of these budget-limited educational programs. The nearest FRIA model port is 16 miles away and is not well suited for STEM/STEAM activities. The costs are prohibitive, the privacy issues are a major concern and safe use of the air space is not enhanced for STEM/STEAM activities. Inspiring the next generation of aviation experts will suffer greatly. Our reputation in aerospace innovation and leadership will decline.
WHY MY FAMILY VALUES MATTER: My family aviation values span four generations: My late father fought in World War II. He was involved in the B-29 Superfortress program. My father was in charge of ground crews maintaining the General Electric Remote Fire (Gun) Control System, which used remotely controlled amplidyne servos. His love and understanding of electronics and aviation was passed on to me. As a member of the “Greatest Generation,” he fought to preserve our personal freedoms and rights (including personal privacy) while respecting the rule of law. I passed this passion and value onto my son who is now an Industrial Designer working on electric vehicles and an RC hobbyist. My grandchildren are now actively engaged in flight through STEM/STEAM RC hobby programs. My family story is not unique or special, it is in fact very common within this community. It would be a shame to watch this wholesome family tradition be regulated into oblivion.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I believe we can help the FAA make the future NAS a safer place. I do want to see UAS Integration into the NAS succeed. STEM/Steam educators have the passion, talents, and experience to bring along the next generation of Engineers, Artists, Software Coders, Hardware Innovators, and free thinkers.
CLOSING: We must all work together to implement a technically viable, affordable, and fair implementation of Remote ID for UAS Integration. If we do not seek to change the NPRM 2019-1100 as currently written we will risk the future of aviation leadership in this country.
Cybersecurity experience including six-years active duty USAF Security Service engaged in Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) collection and high-level clearances for maintaining Communications Security (COMSEC)
The University of Utah, 2000 — 2020, Senior System Engineer, responsible for Monitoring and Security of Data and Voice services of major regional research health care provider including protection of patient privacy (HIPPA). Retired: January 2020
Graduate of Ohio University, Bachelor of Science
Lee Shuster
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Active Member of:
AMA #1198494 AOPA #10984621 EAA #1356044
Special Olympics Utah UTE RC Association”