, northwood
, Ohio
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-19 19:10:11
“The stated purpose of safety is a smoke screen hiding the fact that business are about to make big money and our government is supporting it. The hobbyist will have to pay what we have been doing for a century. The government choose to regulate everything because they can’t distinguish between personal use and business. They choose to regulate everything because they don’t understand “line of sight”, GPS, and FPV. The new rules are difficult to apply because they don’t understand what they are apply regulations to.
The rules seem stupid when you are standing in the middle of a field and the only thing you see or hear all day are birds, dear, and your sailplane gliding in the wind. Who in danger? Now you are about to allow FedEx, UPS, and Amazon make home deliveries with drones flying around my house where kids play. Whos in danger. Seems to me business are creating the problems so you need to regulate these businesses. Even if someone was up to no good with their airplane, do you really think they would register it. This argument has been a long standing argument for gun control because it’s true. You are not protecting anything.
Building experimental aircraft and flying them is a joy of mine. You have an idea, you dream about it, start building it, refine it, test it and refine it again. Then you move on and build something else. It’s a challenge in every aspect or design, planning, and execution. It tests your abilities and as your experience grows so do the challenges. It continuously grows the brain and body. It’s self gratification like no other. The ability to develop an inquisitive mode will be limited and hampered by laws and regulations. Can you imagine restricting an artist from using color? It’s easy to understand why people wouldn’t want to be artists anymore. You are limiting the creative and engineering mind with your regulations. Every little hit motivating our youth takes is a major impact to our future. This is a hit to education and personal development. Wake up America!”