

, San Luis Obispo

, California

, United States

Posted on
2020-02-23 18:10:44
“I’m a young pilot, so I haven’t had much time in the hobby. But the time I have been a part of this community has been amazing. I think what is what makes model aircraft so much fun is the accessibility and customization. My first helicopter was a gift to me and since then I have been hooked. I love the flexibility of being able to go fly in so many different locations. And the online community has been what makes this hobby so incredible. When people push the envelope of what is possible it is so inspirational. I really just hope that the changes that are going to be put in place don’t limit how people fly and who flies. I want to one day teach my kids to fly but if we have to register them or pay extra fees it might be less fun. Please just find a way to keep autonomous technology out of the hands of unintelligent people and allow true hobbists to keep flying.”