Sofa-king fpv
, Phoenix
, Arizona
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-23 14:52:46
“My name is Ronnie and I grew up flying fixed-wing remote control airplanes with my uncle. After having a very rough childhood it’s one of the few things I can look forward to on the weekends. Now that I’m an adult I have continued my love of aeronautics and flight in general by becoming heavily involved in fpv drones. In the time that I have been flying I have never had an accident involving another person or animal and I have been flying for 4 years. I have never broken the law by flying near an airport and I never reach 400 feet an altitude. I am not a rich person and the only way I can afford to do what I love is to buy the parts myself at a reasonable price and build my own drones. With that being said I can all but guarantee that if this proposed law goes into effect the price of parts will skyrocket and I cannot afford that. I live paycheck to paycheck and do not have money or a fancy car or an extravagant vacation but one of the few things I can look forward to it’s going to my local park and flying a few batteries and just feeling a little bit of freedom after a grueling day. I have had countless experiences where I have sat down and taught small children about drones just because they were able to see it fly first hand. The smile on their face can you put the goggles on them priceless. And who knows what kind of innovation that is going to spark in the future inside them just like fixed-wing airplanes ignited that spark in me. All I can ask is that you look at it from the perspective of the everyday man who is just trying to have an outlet that is completely harmless. And I’d like it to be known that people deep down inside want to do what’s right, it’s just a matter of not pushing them towards doing what they feel is right but this law will make wrong.”