, New York
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-21 14:20:09
“Aviation is something I’ve loved ever since I can remember. I always loved the idea of flight and the aircraft that make it happen, from the airliners that I fly on to my grandfather’s 1967 DeHavilland Turbo Beaver. In fact, I plan on getting my pilot’s license in the next few years.
I’ve been flying model aircraft since I was very young, starting with little rubber band-powered planes, which aren’t really model aircraft, but certainly a good catalyst for the hobby. I then flew two channel Air Hogs planes for several years and had a blast with that. After that, back in 2012, I wanted to get my first serious remote-control aircraft, so my mom, after we talked a lot, got me the plane I wanted for the summer, a Dynam PBY Catalina, and I loved every second of flying it, despite its many crashes, which were all away from me and/or spectators / spotters and over a lake with no other houses nearby. It was a big learning curve, but I repaired the plane more times than I can count, kept practicing, and got the hang of it. I was hooked and there was no turning back.
I continued to acquire a few different fixed-wing aircraft that are mostly float planes, since my summer cottage is where I do most of my flying and the lake is the most spacious area in which to fly. When I’m not at the family lake house or a family member’s property with a sufficient field, I fly at my college athletic fields when they’re not busy, like when I have time between classes or on weekends when team practices aren’t occurring. At college, I fly my smaller aircraft, like my 5’ miniquad, my mini E-flite Convergence, restored Art-Tech Wing dragon, and my most recent acquisition and build, an FT Mini Mustang. I fly FPV frequently in all of the aforementioned places as well. Two years ago, I got into miniquads, starting with a Mobula 7 for safe practice and areas where space is limited, and then built up a 5″ rig about 6 months later. I bought the parts individually and built and tuned the quad myself, which gives me great pride and a sense of accomplishment that few other hobbies provide, and I have a lot of hobbies including soccer, ice hockey, mountain and road biking, and general DIY and tinkering. I still fly primarily fixed-wing electric planes with some quadcopter flying in between. Also, that Dynam PBY Catalina still flies well to this day!
The reason I enjoy model aircraft so much is because of the fact that I can fly without a pilot’s license, my own full-scale aircraft, and numerous associated expenses. That freedom and level of accessibility, in addition to the fact that I just love things that fly, is why I love the hobby so much. The other side of this is that when stresses in life like college work, social stresses, exams, and more encroach and finally pass, I always love to get out for an hour or two and just fly. The preceding stresses just melt away and I feel rejuvenated afterwards, as if I’m seeing an old friend.
Not only do I love the hobby myself, I’ve shared the hobby with others in my life. In the last few years, I got my two little cousins into model aircraft and my uncle back into the hobby after many years off since the electric planes of today are so much easier to use and maintain than the larger, heavier, fragile, and more expensive planes of the past.. When I see them, which is on my family’s annual breaks, I help them with issues they have, I teach them methods of flying, what electronics and other tools to use, and various other helpful information. I also show my family members my aircraft and how they fly, from which I get compliments, respect, and admiration. My parents support my hobby because it’s “constructive,” “engaging,” “creative,” “fun,” and “safe.”
Flying model aircraft has long been a source of comfort for me whether I’m having the worst or best day of my life; that’s invaluable. The hobby has also contributed to me learning patience, problem-solving, containing frustration, staying positive, perseverance, and the value of hard work, all of which are incredibly valuable life skills that I carry into all aspects of my life.
I hope to keep going with this great hobby going for the rest of my life and I hope all the aspirational model aircraft fliers out there, young and old, can access this amazing hobby and existing pilots can keep the hobby alive for generations to come. The hobby is the most accessible it’s ever been; let’s maintain that precedent.”