, San Diego
, California
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-20 0:35:11
“RC has been a part of my life since birth. I have a photo of my father with a small radio controlled model he built himself with me sitting there by him at 1yrs old. I’m 55 now. This hobby has been consistent in my life since then. My fascination has not faded. But the future looks pretty tough if people who don’t know the value and fun and safe adventure RC aircraft offer continue to lump recreational RC aviation conducted under the AMA’s CBO guidelines and rules into the same category as off the shelf drones or commercial drone oppressions. Off the shelf drones have provided unknowing people the opportunity to get themselves into trouble. RC aviation is not drone operations.
I am a 55 year old RC pilot that flies mainly large 1/3 scale gliders. I need altitude limits to be 2500 ft for competitions where the 1/3 scale gliders fly starting from 500 meters away and fly around a triangle that is 1.5 miles in perimeter as many time as possible in 30 minutes with a maximum altitude of 700 meters. I need to be recognized as a knowledgeable, responsible pilot that understands model flight vs human carrying flight and am well versed in maintaining a see and avoid flight plan while enjoying the challenge of my hobby. This recognition must exist in the eyes of anyone considering these new FAA rules. I have many commercial airline pilot friends that also enjoy flying RC sailplanes and are worried about their hobby impacting there job. RC aviation enthusiasts have an impeccable safety record and that must be respected an appreciated.
I really hope my hobby doesn’t become so tied up in regulations and requirements to render it too burdensome to enjoy.
Thank you.”