, Flint
, Michigan
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-24 14:58:20
“Hi Flite Test. I discovered you on You Tube last year, I think around the end of spring, beginning of summer. Since them, I have been on a quest to watch every You Tube video you have published and, guess what, I’m almost caught up, LOL! I’ve also been listening to all of your podcasts (and RC After Hours spin off as well). I love all of you guys and the culture and beliefs you live (not just sell). The reason I have caught the Flite Test bug, however, goes much further back in my life. My father, now 75 years old, used to build and fly balsa gassers back in the day with his buddies from work. I remember growing up, most Saturdays that had nice weather (up here in Flint Michigan, that can be rare, haha), we’d head out to the flying field and meet up with 3 or 4 of his friends and wait hold our breath for the first big crash of the day, LOL. Seriously though, at the time, I was pretty young and found simply watching the airplanes flying around was a great joy to me. I also remember the great camaraderie that my dad had with his friends. Now, back then, those plans took forever to build and the electronics and engines seemed to be so expensive that as I got older, my interests in r/c stayed closer to the ground as my dad bought me an RC10 and a remote control boat that I could play around with. I ran that RC10 for years and years and loved it, but always felt that r/c flying was out of my affordability and time constraints. Eventually, he and his buddies drifted apart as some moved on from the job they shared or retired, etc. He also eventually moved on to other hobbies and neither of is did much with r/c for a couple of decades. Fast forward to last year and low and behold my stunned realization that r/c aviation could possibly be within my grasp based on what I was seeing with Josh and Josh in those early FT videos. I was amazed at how Josh Bixler was both able to explain the mysteries of flight in such an easy to understand way and also those amazing foam board airplanes. So, of course by fall, I had bought some Adam’s ready board from Dollar Tree, a glue gun and stick and some BBQ skewers. I also picked up an affordable FlySky radio and receiver and I proceeded to scratch build an FT Mini Speedster. My first flight resulted in a broken prop, but I was immediately able to through it back and keep flying. So much joy. Then, I told my dad about Flite Test and he is now getting back into r/c flying with small electrics too! I can’t wait for him to get back from Florida so we can fly together. I have since dabbled with a small Inductrix quadcopter for indoor flying and trying fpv and it is so much fun. Right now, I’m building a 250 size quadcoptor to buzz around my yard, just waiting for the weather to clear up to maiden it. I owe this all to you guys and the videos, articles and store that you have created. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could go on and on, but this is already pretty long, so just suffice it to say, keep up the good work and I hope I’m watching/listening to you guys for years to come!
Now, regarding my concerns for the Remote ID proposal, well I already wrote those up and submitted them to the FAA thanks to the guidance you provided on your FTCA video. Basically, I like the hobby because of the freedom to tinker and explore and the simplicity of it all thanks to the advancements in technology and, of course, the ease of use of foam board. Currently, where I live, there are no active club fields that I’ve been able to find. So, I haven’t even considered joining AMA yet becuase of that. I wish there was a local club. I do almost all of my flying on my own property, occasionally I have gone to a part in one of our nearby rural communities, but I always play it safe and don’t fly it if there are more than a few people there. I’m concerned that these proposals will just make all of this more complicated and cost prohibitive then it would be worth to continue. I’d really hate to see this come to fruition. But, I feel you guys are doing your best to champion us little guys on this issue and I have faith that through you and your efforts, we can make a positive impact on this. Thanks!”