, Canada
Posted on
2020-02-13 17:17:08
“I started learning about the model aviation hobby when I was in grade 4 in elementary school (I’m 51 now). Over the years my love of everything flight drove me to seek a technology based career earning a Bachelor of Engineering degree. I wound up in the I/T industry and not aeronautical fields; however, my passion unfolded into my model aviation hobby. Over the years this hobby has brought me closer to my two daughters by giving us something to do together that isn’t screen-based. Through being engaged in the local flying clubs I have been able to connect with other like-minded individuals and be socially active and a healthy member of society. I have even become the chairman of the RC Indoor committee for MAAC in Canada.
Did I mention that I am an introvert? This hobby has helped me in ways that I cannot even put into words. I would not be the same without it.
It is my deepest hope that through open, honest, and clear communications that the regulators such as the FAA, Transport Canada, and those from other country’s will come to love this hobby and its value and do what is necessary to protect it and NOT cause its demise.
Let’s work together to make positive things happen.”