, Huntingdon
, Pennsylvania
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-13 19:34:24
“I started 10yrs. Ago with electric helicopters. I flew rc heli for about 3yrs. Then because of financial reasons quit. 3 years ago I came across a YT video on fpv quads. I purchased a rtf kwad online and have never looked back. Flying fpv has changed my life at so many levels. It has helped me spend my free time out of the bars and clubs and all the bad things that come from drinking and unfortunately drug use. I now look forward after a hard days work going home and working on my latest build or enjoy flying. FPV is something that if you haven’t ever tried you should. It’s like experiencing a freedom, kind of like what someone who rides motorcycles would feel. All the stresses of work and life just go away when I’m flying fpv and working on all my kwads and wings. I’ve been able to share this feeling with my friends and family. My father is now into drones and enjoys taking photos and videos with his dji spark and mavic mini. The enjoyment I see in his eyes makes me feel that I have opened a door for both of us to share and connect. He has always helped me and taught me right from wrong. Believe me when i say I have done some wrong in my life. Things that a father should never have to deal with, or see a son go thru but he was there for me, always. The time we spend together flying is something positive that I started with him and that means a lot to both of us. Drones and kwads have also followed me into my work environment. I work with at risk youth who have been placed in the care of the state for breaking the law. Basically a jail for minors. These kids come from broken homes and even worse neighborhoods from various inner cities in and around the commonwealth of PA. During there stay here many are not graduates or have GED’s and have to attend school. I’m often covering the school and am often talking to the teachers and residents about my hobby. So much that the computer science teacher took an interest and now has several drones that he uses in his class to educate and reward students For completing work and tests with flying them. My director gave me permission to bring my drones into school and share with the residents. And I can tell you these kids LOVE it! Many have expressed not just an interest but tell me when they go home will be building or buying a drone. Basically FPV and drones have changed my life for the better. I like to think that the people , my family, and the kids I work with have that feeling too. I never thought my love for this hobby would ever be in peril. I also want to say that the first thing I learned or teach anyone I fly with is the responsibility and safety of operating a drone. It’s just what I and I feel every pilot thinks about before and during the flight. Ya it’s fun, relaxing, and a feeling of freedom but I’m always thinking of safety and when I’m showing off my birds or teaching a resident how to fly the number one thing I preach Is SAFETY. I just hope and pray that we as a community and the FAA can come together and work out a plan that won’t end this life saving (for me) hobby. For me and all future hobbyists. Thanks guys for doing this and everything that you already have done. RC FLIGHT IS NOT A CRIME.”