, North Carolina
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-24 21:07:13
“I was a toddler (1950) peeking over the edge of Dad’s card table as he built his planes CL/ Speed & Stunt). He taught me to make strips and join scraps. I built rubber, Jetex, Glow, Diesel, and electric powered plane (no drones) in control-line, glider, Free-flight, and RC. I have designed most of my planes, but since I retired in 2014, I have been using CAD, even making vectorized PDF files so that modelers with CNC or laser cutters can cup parts directly from my drawings. I have been posting my designs on a Plans-sharing site called Aerofred ( Any plan there can be downloaded for free after registering.I created the Facebook Group “Low-Budget RC Planes” in 2016 and have over 5000 members world-wide from 110 different countries. Myself and another modeler from Massachusetts spent a year using Facebook Messenger teaching a college student from Adigrat University in Ethiopia how to make a flyable plane as part of his thesis. We put together a kit with EVERYTHING needed to build my Doug’s Trainer design, model club holds several events throughout the year and I take my laptop and 35″ TV to each event and run my copy of RealFlight 7.5 flight simulator using a Tactic TTX600 transmitter. I take this setup to a local airshow (Warbirds Over Monroe) and demonstrate / teach folks what our hobby is all about. teach kids (and adults) how they can make inexpensive RC planes from Dollar Tree Foam Board at a cost of $1 to $2 bucks for the airframe. The electronics package is transferable from one plane to another. I build other folks kits for them because they are too busy or think they don’t have the skills.So, what is all of that rambling about?The love of Model Aviation!! Burdensome, and maybe unworkable, regulations being proposed by the FAA appear to be designed to discourage our hobby, or, at worst, put it out of business due to excess cost and complexity. An example: many of our club’s older fliers are still successfully using the old AM (27 MHz) radios for their planes, others use the 72MHz radios. This proposed regulation will completely kick them out of the hobby because the new stuff won’t work with their old stuff and they can’t afford to purchase new, compatible, equipment. If you are concerned about multi-rotor copters, then write your specs for them. They are all new tech and can be adapted more easily. Commercial multis with FPV, GPS, and other features can afford the new tech. Our model clubs have been around a long time, with nary an incident, and we are covered by Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) insurance and their Safety Guidelines.The AMA is a recognized organization that strives for modeling safety, and has been around a long time. Our clubs all fly “line-of sight” around a fixed location with altitudes of 0′ AGL to about 1000′ AGL (for soaring gliders to chase thermals). We are not interfering with anyone’s use of airspace and we aldeay have registered with the FAA and paste the registration number on our planes. Give us some space. Speaking of Space several of our Astronauts are aeromodelers.”