, Montgomery Village
, Maryland
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-13 23:17:47
“Hey Flight Test! I am 33 and can remember many trips as a child to the RC flying field only to watch and not participate as it was cost preventative for my parents. Fast forward to this past year and as an adult I’ve now finally be able to branch into the hobby! The hobby is so much more affordable than in the past with improvements in technology, prototyping techniques and the decrease of material/components cost (foam).
My first quad was a 3D printed drone with an F4 flight controller running Betaflight and a ridiculously huge FPV box goggle but daaang –the first time I flew it thru the air— it was Insane! What an adrenaline rush! It didn’t seem real. I had to keep reminding myself it was real and that I was actually, physically moving my drone thru the air (not a simulator). I think I grinned for 3 days straight! I completely annoyed all my friends because I wouldn’t shut up about it! ?Š
I’ve always been an aviation nerd but have never quite been in a position (yet) to pursue my private pilot certificate. So for now, RC aviation has become my muse until I am financially able to pursue manned aviation. Interestingly, this hobby is the culmination of everything I love to do wrapped up in one awesome hobby! I am definitely a nerd so I love fixing, soldering, programming, 3d printing, prototyping, building. This is exactly what you do in this hobby and it’s awesome! Flying is almost a byproduct –sometimes… ?Š
I’m so excited about this hobby, I pursued my Part 107 Remote Pilot certificate. I am actively turning this hobby into a business by getting my remote certificate and purchasing a photography drone. One of the most amazing thing I’ve discovered about the Part 107 certificate is how much it parallels/ mirrors manned aviation (least the knowledge exam). So for me this hobby is giving me an avenue to experience aviation in a way I can currently afford but also give me training that I can use when I pursue my private pilot certificate. This hobby is a stepping stone for me to reach my ultimate dream of becoming a manned pilot.
The disappointing thing is every place I currently fly (100%) will go away with this legislation. FPV is not allowed in the local RC field (which isn’t really local 45min+ away). The dues are expensive (you have to become the AMA and then join the club annually) and since FPV isn’t allowed, there’s no point joining as I wouldn’t be able to fly anything I have.
Another interesting thing to point out is that I love taking my drone to NC to my 3 year old nephew’s house. Every time I visit the very first thing he says to me is “Where’s your drone?!” “I want to fly it now, kay?” This legislation will squelch this kind of educational discovery. Under this law, it will be illegal for me to fly my drone around his yard…. My nephew will remember his uncle flying drones, one day when he’s old enough maybe I can help him build his own drone and he can experience the awe of flying something you built. We cannot criminalize this type of learning!!! How ironic instead of high cost and primitive tech restricts the hobby, now it’s irresponsible legislation that’s going to squelch this hobby.
Other thoughts:
-Model aviation has been around for almost as long as manned aviation itself.
– Flying a drone shouldn’t be a crime.
-What if the FAA required unmanned commercial operations and beyond line of site operations to broadcast with an unmanned version of ADSB. That would mean manned aviators could see drone locations (which is the point right?… safety… I kid myself)
– Also, what’s the point of creating the LAANC system?
-This legislation will almost make people not want to go outside. AKA: I can play a video game because it’s not “illegal”
As a side note, other skills I’ve gained from RC aviation is 3D modeling with a 3d printer. Currently I’m working on a project, building and prototyping a device that we are hoping to eventually patent and manufacture. This wouldn’t have been done if I hadn’t decided to pursue RC aviation.
Thanks Josh! You guys rock!!”