, Vero Beach
, Florida
, United States
Posted on
2020-02-14 9:52:31
“Dear Sir/Madam –
I am a Pilot with a Major Airline. The Radio Controlled hobby is a direct reason I am an ATP pilot. I believe the NPRM will crush the hobby I love, kill jobs in the hobby industry, stifle STEM initiatives and aviation related careers. I am STRONGLY against the NPRM as it is written. However, I do support some form of Remote ID for commercial BVLOS operations but not regulations that will limit/destroy the RC hobby.
Growing up near Washington’s National Airport, I always looked to the skies. My first recognizable crayon drawing was an airplane. When old enough, I’d bicycle to the airport to watch takeoff and landing operations. As a kid, I built and launched model rockets with my Dad, flew control line models, and later flew RC balsa models during college. While working at AT&T, I realized my hobby expenses were close to the cost of a Private Pilot Certificate so I put the hobby aside and became a Private Pilot. For several years I flew recreationally. During the AT&T/NCR merger, I realized my true calling; that of an Airline Transport Pilot. I earned certificates at FlightSafety International, flew at Atlantic Southeast Airlines, and finally secured my dream job flying Boeing 737s.
In late 2012, I involved my high school boys with electronics, 3D printers, and amature built multi-copter UASs (see attached newspaper article). Soon after, several high school friends joined us in starting an Internet business selling DIY 3D printer kits. My boys have since left for college, one with a computer engineering degree and the other working on Commercial flight ratings at Auburn University. I believe that none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for the RC hobby!
At my airline, pilot retirements are reaching disruptive levels. All major and regional airlines will, in my opinion, experience pilot shortages causing operational pressures that might lead to widespread flight disruptions and/or cancellations. The RC hobby, STEM initiatives, and personal camera UAS operations promote aviation related careers. The NPRM will do the opposite.
If approved, I expect the NPRM will end my involvement in RC and disrupt the many friendships I have built with other hobbyists. The closest AMA drone racing field is an 80 minute drive round trip. Not being able to fly at local parks, over approved private property, and even my backyard will force me to quit.
Please change the NPRM. For specific details on how to do this I support and recommend using the FPV Freedom Coalitions submission which I am attaching to my response as a PDF. Also attached is a newspaper article about my family’s affair with technology and aviation. Thanks for allowing me to share my personal experiences in aviation.”