

, Pittsburgh

, Pennsylvania

, United States

Posted on
2020-02-23 9:36:13
“Aviation, both full size and model has been a part of my family since the 1940s. My Great Uncle Harold L. Clark earned his bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from Brayton Flying Service, St. Louis, Mo. He served in the Air Force in Japan and was discharged in 1949. He was an active reservist until 1953 and served with the Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary, for eight years. Harold was employed at Avco Lycoming in various capacities, including serving a civilian tour in Vietnam as a field representative on training, maintenance and failure analysis of gas turbines. His hobbies included golf, gunsmithing and most notably radio-controlled model airplanes. He was pictured in the Far East Stars and Stripes Weekly Review on Aug. 3, 1947, as an active member of the Tokyo International Model Airplane Club. More than 50 occupation personnel and a like number of Japanese engaged in the sport as participants or observers. Please reconsider your position on these regulations that could ruin the hobby for many families.”